About MinuteBI
MinuteBI is a cloud-based subscription service for creating charts and dashboards from your CSV and Excel files. It is run by Archmob Pte. Ltd. in Singapore.
MinuteBI aims to make business intelligence accessible, straightforward, and easy. The product is guided by the following ideas:
Users should be able to build a dashboard from scratch in minutes. This is MinuteBI's primary goal. When we say "from scratch," we mean from a fresh account that has no existing data sources. It should always be possible for a user to go through the entire process of uploading data, creating charts, and creating dashboards in minutes, which is not an experience that most business intelligence tools emphasize or support.
There should be a minimal amount of communication necessary to create a dashboard. This is MinuteBI's secondary goal. Business intelligence infrastructure requires a lot of thought and coordination to set up for the first time. MinuteBI aims to make it possible for companies to get into business intelligence without a massive initial investment in a data engineering team.
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